As I sat in my usual morning spot, on January 1, 2019 I had to force myself not to hurry. Hurrying has been part of my DNA for as long as I can remember! Don’t be late. Try the new thing first. Don’t get left out. Yet, my morning routine of reading a passage by Marv and Nancy Hiles in The Almanac for the Soul, started the year with the call to “Take thought in the silence of your heart’. Most of us spend little time in silence, and even less times away from a screen, including me. Longing to get outside and take a walk I fell into hurrying, again. Stopping and starting my brain - drifting into the work week. Thinking about my resolutions. Last year I resolved to read two books, preferably non-fiction, each month. The internet and work have taken me away from reading for pleasure and I wanted to feel the excitement of visiting places and times I have not been. Using the NYTimes Book List, PBS and asking friends and family helped me to find titles that were well worth the read and ...
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