"Collaborating, within a learning community, can support the unique challenges of teaching in the virtual environment."
World of Learning PD Goal
On New Year's we often stop to take stock of what is going well (what we want to keep doing) and what we want to get better at doing in the year ahead. I am grateful that in the short time I have worked at AIU8, with the World of Learning, we have had such amazing support! Collaborating does lead to meeting success in the virtual environment. So, for 2018, we hope to build on the great things that have been started and to share some of what makes our teachers successful.
Teaching and learning in a virtual environment has unique challenges: like navigating Canvas or signing into Zoom for the first time! In this post I would like to acknowledge and highlight a few of the people who help us navigate the sometimes tricky road to virtual learning. These folks and many more make the road to virtual learning fun and engaging:
- Our AIU8 Support Staff; Sue, Kristin, Michelle, Kristen and Ellen, who help to make the day-to-day operation smoothly - because they pay attention to the important details of the day to day operation we are able to be attentive to our teachers, districts and partner needs. You know you can always find them when you need them!
- Debra and Shari from Seton Hill University who support our World Language Dual Enrollment Program. Their support from scheduling to professional learning offer us a wider view of how we engage with our learners, K-12 and beyond.
- Pat Crawford and PDLC along with Deanna Mayers and her team at K-12 Learning Unlimited; these visionary leaders provide the framework for our collaboration and vision to support learning in the virtual environment.
- And, our Teachers! Every day they work to create an environment that engages the learners they meet. Their communication, collaboration and commitment to the students makes our program unique. Without the relationships our teachers build with students we would be any other virtual program - and I am so grateful for the lessons I learn, as they teach, every day.
Our programs are radically learner centered! What does that mean? Well, it means that ALL of us are passionate about making sure we are focused on the learner experience. From the teachers we hire, to the content we build and develop in our learning management system, we work together to hold each other accountable to delivering the best possible learner experience. Collaboration, the art of working together, really does makes all the difference.
In this coming year - our goal is to reflect and communicate what we are learning in our virtual classrooms and why it matters. We look forward to sharing our strategies and success with you. We will add bring guest bloggers and tips for easing into virtual learning. We hope to support your virtual learning journey by telling the stories of your schools and districts.
We look forward to having you join us on the journey to virtual learning and 21st Century strategies for students.
Stay tuned and have a great 2018!
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